Roomba j6+ (6550) vs. Roomba s9+ (9550)

Are you caught in the dilemma of choosing between the Roomba j6+ and Roomba s9+? Today, we will guide you through a detailed comparison of these two high-performing robot vacuums from iRobot. Both models promise efficient cleaning and high-end smart features, but what sets them apart? Let’s dive into the world of Roomba j6+ (6550) and Roomba s9+ (9550) to find the best robotic companion for your home.

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Meet the Contenders: Roomba j6+ and Roomba s9+

The Roomba j6+

The Roomba j6+ is a product of iRobot’s continuous innovation in automated home cleaning. It’s a robot vacuum that offers powerful suction, adapts to your space, learns the layout of your home, and even suggests cleaning schedules based on your habits. The j6+ also includes a Precision Jet Spray technology that tackles stubborn messes and self-emptying capabilities that reduce manual intervention.

The Roomba s9+

The Roomba s9+ is iRobot’s top-tier model, representing the pinnacle of their technological advancements. The s9+ shares several features with the j6+ but surpasses it with more suction power and the revolutionary PerfectEdge® Technology. This model offers the most sophisticated cleaning experience yet.

Design and Build: j6+ vs s9+


The Roomba j6+ sports a classic round design while the Roomba s9+ features a unique D-shape. This design of the s9+ allows it to clean corners more effectively than the j6+.

Size and Weight

Both vacuums share similar dimensions. The j6+ is slightly lighter, but this does not significantly impact performance or ease of use.

Performance and Cleaning Efficiency

Cleaning Technology and Suction Power

Both vacuums use iRobot’s patented AeroForce® 3-Stage Cleaning System. However, the s9+ boasts 40x the suction power compared to the j6+’s 10x (relative to the Roomba 600 Series). This superior suction makes the s9+ a beast at removing stubborn dirt and debris.

Surface Transition and Multi-Surface Cleaning

Both models excel at transitioning between different floor types, ensuring consistent cleaning on hardwood, tiles, and carpets.

Edge Cleaning and Handling of Corners

While both models are equipped with side brushes for efficient edge cleaning, the s9+ pulls ahead with its D-shape design and PerfectEdge® Technology, specifically designed for meticulous corner cleaning.

Smart Features: j6+ vs s9+

Mapping and Navigation

Both the j6+ and the s9+ employ iRobot’s advanced iAdapt® 3.0 Navigation with vSLAM® technology, enabling them to learn the layout of your home and navigate efficiently. Both models support Keep Out Zones and allow you to set cleaning preferences via the iRobot Home App.

Automatic Dirt Disposal

The j6+ and s9+ both feature a Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal that holds up to 60 days’ worth of dirt and debris. After each cleaning session, these robots return to their base, empty their bins, and recharge themselves, ready for the next task.

Home Integration

Both models seamlessly integrate with Amazon Alexa and Google Home, allowing you to command your robot vacuum using voice control.

Home Integration

Both models seamlessly integrate with Amazon Alexa and Google Home, allowing you to command your robot vacuum using voice control.

Battery Life

The Roomba j6+ and Roomba s9+ come with high-capacity lithium-ion batteries. Both can run for up to 120 minutes on a single charge, providing ample time to clean a mid-sized to large home. If the battery runs low during cleaning, both models will return to their base to recharge before resuming the task, ensuring a thorough cleaning session.

Maintenance and Durability


Both models require regular maintenance like emptying the Clean Base and cleaning the brushes. The iRobot Home App sends maintenance reminders and provides troubleshooting assistance, simplifying the upkeep process.


With their sturdy build and high-quality materials, both the Roomba j6+ and the Roomba s9+ are designed for longevity. They can handle daily cleaning tasks for several years when maintained properly.

Pricing and Availability

Price Point

While both models are premium offerings from iRobot, the s9+ sits at a higher price point due to its advanced features like increased suction power and PerfectEdge® Technology.

Where to Buy

Both the Roomba j6+ and the Roomba s9+ are available for purchase on the official iRobot store and authorized retailers like Amazon.

Final Verdict: Roomba j6+ vs Roomba s9+

When it comes to choosing between the Roomba j6+ and the s9+, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and budget.

Choose the Roomba j6+ if:

  • You want a high-performing robot vacuum with smart features.
  • You require a self-emptying feature for minimal intervention.
  • You want value for money and do not mind a slightly less powerful suction.

Choose the Roomba s9+ if:

  • You need the highest suction power for challenging cleaning tasks.
  • You want superior corner cleaning with PerfectEdge® Technology.
  • You don’t mind spending more for the most advanced features.

Both models are exceptional in their own rights. While the Roomba j6+ offers great value for money, the Roomba s9+ is the ultimate robot vacuum that leaves no stone unturned in the quest for cleanliness.


The Roomba j6+ and Roomba s9+ are two of the best robotic vacuums available, each catering to different needs and budgets. Both models offer advanced cleaning technology, smart features, and a high degree of convenience.

The j6+ provides excellent value for money, with features that satisfy most household cleaning requirements. On the other hand, the s9+ is for those who demand nothing but the best, with its superior suction and innovative features that ensure a spotless home.

In the battle of Roomba j6+ vs s9+, it’s clear that both vacuums are winners in their own right. Your choice simply depends on what features you prioritize and your budget. Regardless of your pick, rest assured that both models offer quality, performance, and convenience that have become synonymous with iRobot.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is the main difference between the Roomba j6+ and the Roomba s9+?

A: The Roomba s9+ features a D-shape design for better corner cleaning and has 40x suction power, which is more potent than the 10x suction of the Roomba j6+. Both models, however, offer smart mapping, automatic dirt disposal, and compatibility with smart home systems.

Q: Can both the Roomba j6+ and the Roomba s9+ clean multiple rooms in one session?

A: Yes, both the Roomba j6+ and the Roomba s9+ can clean multiple rooms efficiently due to their iAdapt® 3.0 Navigation with vSLAM® technology.

Q: How often do I need to perform maintenance on my Roomba j6+ or Roomba s9+?

A: You should clean the brushes regularly and empty the Clean Base every 60 days. The iRobot Home App provides maintenance reminders and guides.

Q: Can I use my Roomba j6+ or Roomba s9+ with a smart home system?

A: Yes, both the Roomba j6+ and Roomba s9+ are compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home, enabling voice-activated controls.

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