Breville Infuser Espresso Machine BES840XL Review

Coffee lovers know the joy of sipping on a freshly brewed espresso. It’s that rich flavor, the aroma, and the warmth that makes mornings better. But getting that perfect cup isn’t always easy, especially when you’re relying on coffee shops. Enter the Breville Infuser Espresso Machine BES840XL. This machine promises to bring the café experience right into your kitchen. But does it deliver on that promise? In this review, we’ll dive deep into the features, performance, and overall value of the Breville Infuser. Whether you’re a barista in the making or someone who just loves a good cup of joe, this review will help you decide if the Breville Infuser is the right fit for you.

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Breville Infuser Espresso Machine,61 ounces, Brushed Stainless Steel, BES840XL
  • Note: 1)Too coarse a grind, too little coffee, or insufficiently tamping the grounds...
  • The Breville Infuser delivers optimal flavor in every cup creating third wave...

Last update on 2023-10-30 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Key Features & Specifications

Design & Build

Stainless Steel Construction
The Breville Infuser Espresso Machine BES840XL boasts a sleek and sturdy stainless steel exterior. This not only gives the machine a modern and polished look but also ensures durability. Stainless steel is known for its resistance to rust and staining, making it a top choice for kitchen appliances. With this construction, you can be sure that the machine will stand the test of time and continue to look great on your countertop.

Dimensions and Weight
Size matters, especially when it comes to kitchen appliances. The Breville Infuser is compact, and designed to fit comfortably on most countertops without taking up too much space. Its dimensions ensure that it’s not too bulky, making it a suitable choice for both small and large kitchens. As for its weight, it’s substantial enough to remain stable during operation but not so heavy that it’s difficult to move or reposition.

Performance & Functionality

Volumetric and Shot Control
One of the standout features of the Breville Infuser is its volumetric and shot control. This allows users to customize their espresso shots to their liking. Whether you prefer a single or double shot, the machine gives you the flexibility to choose. This level of control ensures that you get the perfect shot every time, tailored to your taste.

Optimal Water Pressure and Pre-infusion
A good espresso starts with the right water pressure. The Breville Infuser ensures optimal water pressure during the extraction process. But what sets it apart is the pre-infusion feature. Before full pressure is applied, the machine gently soaks the coffee grounds. This ensures an even extraction, resulting in a smoother and more flavorful espresso.

Precise Espresso Extraction with Digital PID Temperature Control
Temperature plays a crucial role in brewing the perfect espresso. The Breville Infuser comes equipped with a digital PID temperature control. This ensures that the water is at the ideal temperature during extraction. With this feature, you can be confident that your espresso will have a consistent flavor, shot after shot.

Milk Texturing & Latte Art

Manual Microfoam Milk Texturing Capabilities
For those who love their lattes and cappuccinos, milk texture is key. The Breville Infuser doesn’t disappoint in this department. It offers manual microfoam milk texturing capabilities. This means you can create that silky, velvety milk foam that’s perfect for lattes. And if you’re into latte art, this feature gives you the control you need to perfect your designs.

High Power 1650W Element for High-Pressure Steam Wand
A powerful steam wand is essential for creating the perfect milk texture. The Breville Infuser comes with a high-power 1650W element. This ensures that the steam wand produces high-pressure steam, allowing for quick and efficient milk texturing. Whether you’re making a cappuccino or a flat white, this feature ensures your milk is just right.

Additional Features

Auto Purge System
After steaming, the temperature needs to be reduced for optimal espresso extraction. The Breville Infuser takes care of this with its auto purge system. This feature automatically adjusts the temperature after steaming, ensuring that your next shot is extracted at the right temperature.

Built-in Pressure Gauge
Monitoring the pressure during extraction can make a difference in the quality of your espresso. The Breville Infuser comes with a built-in pressure gauge. This allows you to keep an eye on the pressure, ensuring that it’s within the ideal range for perfect extraction.

Programmable Settings and Water Filter
Customization is at the heart of the Breville Infuser. It offers programmable settings, allowing you to tailor the machine to your preferences. Additionally, it comes with a water filter. This ensures that the water used for brewing is free from impurities, resulting in a cleaner and better-tasting espresso.

The 4 Keys Formula for Third Wave Specialty Coffee

Rich, Full Flavor

The essence of a good cup of coffee lies in its flavor. The Breville Infuser ensures that every shot of espresso is bursting with rich, full flavor. This is achieved through its precise extraction process. By using the right dose of freshly ground beans and ensuring optimal water pressure, the machine extracts the full spectrum of flavors from the coffee. The result? A cup that’s aromatic, flavorful, and truly satisfying.

Perfectly Balanced Taste

Balance is the key to a great espresso. Too bitter or too sour, and the whole experience can be ruined. The Breville Infuser’s digital temperature control plays a pivotal role in achieving a balanced coffee extraction. By maintaining the water at the ideal temperature, it ensures that the coffee is extracted evenly. This results in a cup that’s not just strong, but also harmoniously balanced in terms of acidity and bitterness.

Irresistible Body

The body of an espresso refers to its texture and mouthfeel. The Breville Infuser, with its low-pressure pre-infusion and high-pressure extraction, ensures that every espresso shot has a full and irresistible body. The pre-infusion process wets the coffee grounds gently, allowing them to expand. This leads to a more even extraction when full pressure is applied, giving the espresso a robust and velvety texture.

Silky, Velvety Mouthfeel

A good espresso isn’t just about flavor; it’s also about how it feels in your mouth. The Breville Infuser’s manual microfoam milk texturing capability ensures that your lattes and cappuccinos have a silky, velvety mouthfeel. The high-pressure steam wand produces fine milk foam that blends seamlessly with the espresso, creating a drink that’s smooth, creamy, and utterly delightful.

Breville Infuser Espresso Machine,61 ounces, Brushed Stainless Steel, BES840XL
  • Note: 1)Too coarse a grind, too little coffee, or insufficiently tamping the grounds...
  • The Breville Infuser delivers optimal flavor in every cup creating third wave...

Last update on 2023-10-30 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

User Experience & Feedback

Ease of Use

For many, the thought of using an espresso machine can be daunting. But with the Breville Infuser, brewing the perfect cup is a breeze. The machine’s user-friendly controls and interface make it accessible even for beginners. Clear indicators and straightforward settings mean you don’t need to be a coffee expert to get started. Simply follow the easy steps, and you’ll be sipping on a delicious espresso in no time.

Maintenance & Cleaning

No one likes the tedious task of cleaning kitchen appliances. Thankfully, the Breville Infuser is designed with ease of maintenance in mind. Its removable parts make cleaning straightforward. Plus, the machine comes with a cleaning alert, letting you know when it’s time for a thorough cleanup. This ensures that the machine remains in top condition, delivering consistently great coffee.

Customer Reviews

Feedback from actual users can provide valuable insights into a product’s performance. The Breville Infuser has received positive reviews from many of its users. They often praise its consistent performance, the quality of the espresso it produces, and its durability. Many also appreciate the machine’s design, noting that it looks great on their kitchen counter. Overall, the consensus is that the Breville Infuser offers excellent value for its price.

Comparing Breville Infuser with Other Breville Models

When considering an espresso machine, it’s natural to compare options, even within the same brand. Breville, being a renowned name in the world of coffee machines, offers a range of models. Let’s see how the Infuser stacks up against some of its siblings.

Breville Bambino Plus

The Bambino Plus is another popular model from Breville, known for its compact size and quick heat-up time. While the Infuser boasts features like pre-infusion and a built-in pressure gauge, the Bambino Plus shines with its automatic milk texturing. For those with limited counter space or those who prioritize speed, the Bambino Plus might be a better fit. However, if you’re looking for more control over your espresso extraction, the Infuser has the edge.

Breville Barista Express

The Barista Express is a step up in terms of features and price. One of its standout features is the integrated grinder, allowing for a fresher taste and saving counter space. While the Infuser requires a separate grinder, it compensates with its detailed extraction controls. If you already own a high-quality grinder or prefer to buy pre-ground coffee, the Infuser might be a more economical choice. But for those seeking an all-in-one solution, the Barista Express is hard to beat.

Breville Dual Boiler

As the name suggests, the Dual Boiler model comes with two boilers, allowing simultaneous espresso extraction and milk steaming. This is a feature that coffee enthusiasts and multitaskers will surely appreciate. The Infuser, with its single boiler, requires a bit of a wait between brewing and steaming. If speed and multitasking are high on your list, the Dual Boiler is the way to go. However, for the average home user who values quality over speed, the Infuser offers a more budget-friendly option without compromising on the quality of the brew.

Price & Value Proposition

When investing in a kitchen appliance, especially one as central as an espresso machine, the price is a significant factor. The Breville Infuser Espresso Machine BES840XL is positioned as a mid-range option, offering a blend of quality and affordability.

For its price point, the Infuser packs in a range of features that are often found in more expensive models. From its stainless steel construction to its precise temperature control and pre-infusion, it offers a lot of bang for your buck. While there are cheaper models available, they often lack the consistency and durability that the Infuser brings to the table.

On the flip side, there are more expensive machines with additional features, like integrated grinders or dual boilers. However, for many users, the Infuser strikes the right balance. It offers a high-quality espresso experience without breaking the bank.

In terms of value, it’s not just about the initial cost but also about longevity. The Infuser’s durable construction and easy maintenance mean that it’s built to last. Over time, this translates to countless cups of delicious espresso, making it a worthy investment for any coffee lover.


Choosing the right espresso machine can be a journey. With so many options on the market, finding the one that fits your needs and budget can be a challenge. However, the Breville Infuser Espresso Machine BES840XL has proven to be a standout choice for many coffee enthusiasts.

Feedback from users further cements its reputation. Many appreciate its consistent performance and the quality of the coffee it produces. The fact that it’s easy to use and maintain also means that it’s a machine that will serve you well for years to come.

Breville Infuser Espresso Machine,61 ounces, Brushed Stainless Steel, BES840XL
  • Note: 1)Too coarse a grind, too little coffee, or insufficiently tamping the grounds...
  • The Breville Infuser delivers optimal flavor in every cup creating third wave...

Last update on 2023-10-30 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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